Admission at undergraduate level is based on academic results obtained at the baccalaureate. This option does not require an actual examination, but only the consideration of grades from the baccalaureate exam.

The grade for admission is m and it is computed using two grades from the baccalaureate, as follows:

m= (4⋅n+b)/5

Grade n is the grade obtained in one of the following baccalaureate tests: mathematics, physics or computer science, based on the candidate's choice.

Grade b is the average grade obtained at the baccalaureate.

Through electronics and telecommunications, you are up to date, you are integrated in Europe!

The Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies from Timișoara (ETcTI) trains specialists in engineering and research in the following fields of study: Applied Electronics, Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Multimedia Technologies. Particular attention is paid to informatics with direct applicability in modern industrial activities: Automotive, Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS), signal and image processing. Our faculty provides postgraduate programs for engineers working in research, industry or for those who wish to pursue an academic career.

The educational activity is organized on three study levels: undergraduate studies (engineers, 4 years), postgraduate studies through Master's programs (2 years), postgraduate studies through PhD programs (3 years). Our students can carry out internships and diploma/ dissertation work within renowned companies, partners of our school: Continental Automotive, Nokia, Kathrein, Telekom Romania, AEM, Flex, Forvia Hella, Vodafone or Orange and other companies from Romania or abroad. The employment rate in the field for our graduates is on average over 88% (after the Bachelor's degree), respectively over 96% (after the Master's degree). Priority directions are given by the national and the international industry.

Through our collaborations with universities in Germany, France, Spain, the Netherlands or Italy, we offer the possibility of student internships abroad and facilitate the interaction between different cultures and educational systems.

Through the International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC), we provide young people with the opportunity to present valuable scientific papers at a renowned event.