About us

Main organizers
Lect. Dr. –Ing. Andrei CRISAN (UPT, CES)
Structural engineer with a passion for automotive
Project manger for Automotive ECUs with extensive knowledge in numerical simulations
Anyone can know, the point is to understand (A. Einstein)
Christian Muhm (CES)
15+ years’ experience in the automotive industry
Leader of cyber security team of experts in CES
Focused on OEMs cyber security needs
Hobby: making sure our future cars are engineered in a secure way
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rahamatullah KHONDOKER (THM)
IT & Automotive Security, Digitalization Professor
Work with National/International OEMs
Like to Work with International Colleagues and Students
Love to Take New Challenges
Like to Travel & Attend Conferences/Workshops
Lect. Dr. –ing. Cristina STOLOJESCU – CRISAN (UPT)
Lecturer within Faculty of ETC
Extensive knowledge in the field of telecommunication and network security
Hobby: IoT-based home automations
Lect. Dr. –ing. Septimiu LICA (UPT)
Software Developer / System Architect
Extensive knowledge in the field of hardware development and embedded systems
Politehnica University of Timisoara, Erasmus+ Office

Dr. Michael von Wenckstern (Continental Engineering Services)
Cyber security expert at CES
Lect. Dr.-Ing. Bernardo Portela (U.Porto)
Lecturer within University of Porto
Thomas Hornoff (Continental Engineering Services)
Software engineer at CES
Assoc. Prof. Dr. -Ing. Daniel ZINCA (TUCN)
Associated Professor at Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Lect. Dr. -Ing. Iustin IVANCIU (TUCN)
Lecturer at Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Prof. Dr. Christoph Krauß (h_da)
Professor at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Hof (THI)
Professor at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt
Dr. Mathias DEHM (Continental)
Chief Product Security & Privacy Officer
Florin Anton (Continental)
Engineer at Continental Automotive Romania
Victor MEGHEREA (Continental Engineering Services)
Cyber security tester at CES XTO VV (Continental Automotive Romania)
Dr. Yi (Estelle) WANG (Continental)
Senior Manager Security & Privacy at Continental Singapore
Special thanks to
Dr. -Ing. Christian von Albrichsfeld (Country Head Romania, General Manager, R&D Head - Continental Automotive Romania)
Dr. -Ing. Sorin IARCA (Head of Continental Engineering Services Romania · Continental Automotive Romania)
Oana Elena Minescu (Employer Branding Coordinator - Continental Automotive Romania)
Thorsten Guenther (Head of Business Center Systems Engineering - Continental Engineering Services)
Stephan Groitzsch (Director Cross Technology Operations - Continental Engineering Services)